Tuesday 8 May 2007


That is the word used by the Highways Agency today when I asked if they have ever received so much support FOR a bypass. It seems the Government is taking heed that this is the most supported bypass in the country and may consider pushing the project forward by six months.

The anti fools are at it again we see. Not only have they tried to publish abusive comments on my blog (thanks for visiting) but they are now attacking the barristers in the public enquiry (details passed to respective Chambers).

The latest bit of phishing by the anti chaps is a kerfuffle over the No10 Downing Street petitions. It comes as no suprise that their first attempt at this was REMOVED by Downing street officials as they had maliciously entered the names of known SUPPORTERS of the bypass.

Who exactly are we dealing with here? I would suggest a malignant, subversive and anarchic underclass.

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