Monday 4 June 2007

Winning the fight?

Hello? Heeellllloooooo? Are there any anti-bypass people left? Well it looks as though the anti-bypass people are losing the fight and their resolve is shaking under the flood of support to reduce traffic and improve the villages in Longdendale.

rather strangely the antis have turned their attack on Tesco and are slowly drifting away from the bypass issue.

a rather interesting letter in the Glossop Chronicle last week supporting the bypass had NO REPLIES from the anti brigade!

Here is an abridged version of the letter from Cllr Sean Parker-Perry:

Firstly I would like to echo some of the opinions expressed by Cllr Ivan Bell who clearly demonstrates there is a need for the Mottram bypass. The arguments for this bypass have been printed in your pages many, many times and I will emphasise that not only will this bypass improve the lives and environment of thousands of residents under siege in the Longdendale valley through Mottram, Hollingworth and Tintwistle but even the CPRE agrees on it’s website that “..a bypass can relieve a village of the misery of traffic…”

I also agree that the residents of Hadfield and Tintwistle are getting a raw deal. High Peak Borough Council seem to be ‘top loading’ this area with trading estates and poor quality housing such as the flats at Woolley Bridge. The thinking behind Rossington Park is warped at best and this facility would be better placed in Trafford Park.

Your correspondent, Daniel Hooper, does not even have the face to use a real name. Daniel Hooper is the real name of the infamous Swampy and gives some insight into the letter writer’s intentions. Mr Hooper should make his political stance known, is he a pseudo-liberal who thinks stopping the bypass is the right thing to do or is he a right wing extremist who supports non-elected quangos in the Peak Park?

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